
We didn't get here wholly formed and complete and we still aren't. Along the way, we've had many experiences and people who have helped shape us and who have contributed to what we are today. 

Here we pay tribute to those people who have had a positive impact on us. 


Bart Mann - SiFu Mann was my teacher of Wing Chun, which is the foundation of my unarmed martial arts practice. He taught me not only about kung-fu, but helped me understand how Wing Chun principles apply to all - even non-combative — aspects of life. I am forever in debt to him for his teaching, mentoring and friendship. /Chas 

Phil Switzer - Another of my Wing Chun teachers, Sifu Phil helped me embrace unrelenting hard work and suffering. He is at once kind, generous and ruthless. A fantastic role model.  /Chas

Mark Twight  - Noted alpinist, author, Gym Jones founder, podcast (non-prophet) master, photographer, good friend and enfant terribleMark appreciated my earlier work for its truth, and inspired me to be even truer. /Chas

Greg Hamilton - US Army Ranger/Special Forces veteran, founder InSights Training CenterGreg is an extraordinary and intelligent man - one of the best teachers I've ever seen, knows more about more things than most, and has been an inspiration for me as an instructor of armed and unarmed combatives. /Chas

Wayne Welsh - Master of Ba Gua kung-fu, lifelong student of unarmed combatives. Uncle Wayne helped me understand humility and the value of the Beginner's Mind. And he introduced me to the unparalleled bladework of Daniel Prasetya's Pentjak Silat. /Chas



Andy Roy - Founder, Fiddleback Forge. - Andy graciously took me in as an apprentice and taught me techniques that would’ve taken me years to learn on my own. Andy’s passion for knives is matched by his passion for life, it’s never boring to be around him. Andy’s Fiddleback Forge knives were an inspiration for me to learn knifemaking in the first place. Thank you Andy for the opportunity and support. I wouldn’t be where I am without you.  /JF 

Dirk Loots - - Dirk is a tough South African artist whose creations are truly astonishing, the detail and sophistication of technique is humbling. Dirk has been and continues to be a fount of knowledge and advice and I consider him a true “boet.” /JF

Allen Surls - Allen is an astoundingly accomplished knifemaker and all around competent guy.  Under his brusk exterior is a genuine and loyal family man. Watching Allen grind is a humble experience. Allen always inspired me to push my limits and make better knives. /JF

Joey Berry  - Joey is an incredibly talented knife maker. Joey taught me endless techniques that would otherwise have taken me months or years to learn on my own. Joey knives are almost as good as his deep-fried Gar Balls. If you ever get a chance to eat Joey’s cooking, take it!  /JF